Instructions for Presentations

Oral Session Guidelines  New!
Time Allocation

Keynote:40 min = 35 min + 5 min (discussion)
Invited:30 min = 25 min + 5 min (discussion)
Contributed:15 min = 12 min + 3 min (discussion)

Bell Timing

1st bell (1 time)30 min20 min10 min
2nd bell = discussion (2 times)35 min25 min12 min
3rd bell = ending (3 times)40 min30 min15 min


  • The conference room will be equipped with the followings:
       - projector
       - Screen
       - Laptop PC running Windows; Microsoft Office with wired mouse
       - Microphone
       - Laser pointer
  • Speakers may also provide their own laptops.
  • A VGA plug and a HDMI plug will be provided. Any adapters to VGA or HDMI should be provided by the presenter.
  • To request other specialty equipment, please contact ISCOM2025 operations office during the meeting.

Poster Session Guidelines  New! 

  • All poster materials must be confined to A0 size (841mm x 1189mm) display board. Each presenter has one entire side of one poster board to use.
  • Posters can be set up from 10:00 AM on September 29. Poster numbers supplied by ISCOM2025 and pushpins will be placed on each poster board.
  • All posters must be set up at least one hour before the poster session I, on September 29.
  • Authors must remain with their posters for the duration of their scheduled session as indicated in the schedule below.
  • All posters must remain up until the end of the poster session III, and then must be removed before 22:00 on the day, October 1st.

Poster Session 1
Monday, September 29: Authors of ODD numbers

Poster Session 2
Tuesday, September 30: Authors of EVEN numbers

Poster Session 3
Wednesday, October 1: ANY authors can remain with their posters.
All students who have applied the Poster Award should remain at this time.

Poster Award Ceremony
Thursday, October 2: Poster Award Ceremony will be held in the banquet.

Photography and Video Policy

  • On the grounds of copyright, please refrain from taking photos or videos of slides/posters until given permission by authors.
  • ISCOM2025 staff will take snapshots of presenters and group photos.

Withdrawal Notices
If you need to withdraw your presentation, notify the chair and secretary by email.