
Metal-Oxides: Structure Chemistry of Films and Surfaces

Date : Monday 26 September 2022 15:00 to 19:00 (JST)
Place : room 301, IMS main office building (onsite)
    zoom meeting (online)


In the symposium, the chemistry of the surface of metal oxides analyzed by advanced measurement techniques of scanning probe microscopy and prepared by thin film synthesis methods with pulsed laser deposition are discussed. Also, new approaches to understand the structural changes in the atomic scale of metal oxides induced by photoexcitation are discussed. The new methods of experimental measurements and quantum chemical simulations of surface structures of metal oxides will be shown.

Program [September 26th , 2022]

“Surface structures drive the growth of perovskite oxide films”
Michele Riva (TU Wien) ※online lecture

“Physical properties of defects on metal oxide surfaces analyzed by scanning probe microscopy”
Taketoshi Minato (Institute for Molecular Science)

“Pulsed laser deposition of compositionally graded Sr-doped NaTaO3 thin films and their photoexcited carrier dynamics”
Shingo Maruyama (Tohoku University)

“Toward excited-state molecular dynamics analyses of metal oxide photocatalysts: computational method developments and applications”
Hiroki Uratani (Waseda University)

September 27, Tuesday, 9-11 am
Tour of SPM lab. and UVSOR for participants



Hiroshi Onishi (
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